Stitches and Sutures

I'm a 25-year-old second-year medical student living in Ontario, Canada. I'm pretty sure that the only way to stay sane in medical school is to have a life outside of medical school, and knitting is one of my chosen diversions.

Location: Ontario, Canada

Thursday, December 15, 2005

White Christmas

The past few Christmases have been green for me. I knew that this year would be white, because we're going to be in Alberta, and those people know snow. But it looks like it'll be a white Christmas around here, too!

Our house, about 15 minutes ago (there are four apartments in the house, no, we DON'T own the place...I wish):

I love snow! It makes everything so Christmassy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snow?! Wow! What a contrast to a Xmas in Florida.

9:49 p.m.  

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